Nina Obiar

Leadership & Community Involvement

Table of contents

Diversity in Science

My passion for celebrating diversity and fostering inclusivity is a driving force in how I approach science. As a student representative of the Inclusion and Diversity Commity within the Canadian Botanical Association , I am constantly working to advocate for opportunities and events that nurture an inclusive botanical community.

Being a female immigrant scientist can have its challenges… but being able to see positive change our institutions - albeit at a slower pace than one would hope - gives me hope! As always, happy to talk more about decolonizing, dismantling, and disrupting traditional norms in Western Science.

Creating community

Another passion of mine is to foster an environment of curiosity and excitement in science:

at McGill

Currently, I am a Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution Seminar Representative. I facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within our academic community through weekly seminars with invited professors. Organizing thought-provoking seminars and discussions, I create spaces for intellectual growth and collaboration, enriching the academic experience for faculty and students.

at University of Calgary

As a Science Ambassador at the University of Calgary , I had the privilege of fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity within our scientific community. Through dynamic social media engagement and lively Faculty of Science events, I’ve helped cultivate an environment where students and faculty alike are inspired to explore the wonders of science and pursue their passions with enthusiasm.

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